Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: Canada

Twin baby girls sneeze at the same time in their crib.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: US

Twin tot girls rock back and forth on the couch in unison. Their hair stands up from static.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: U.S.A.

Twin baby girls make wide-eyed faces when dad blows air onto them.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

"Raspberry Babies" Two twin baby girls lie on a bed next to each other. One of the baby girls blows raspberries and the other laughs. Very cute.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country:

Twin baby girls lick window, parents join in.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl sits between twin babies as the babies cry in the back seat of a car. The girl tries to calm the babies and then tells her mother, "this is horrible."

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: US

Two twin baby girls lie in cribs next to each other. They both sneeze over and over, one right after the other. Cute.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country:

Twin girls in toy cars roll down hill. They crash, sending one girl up pole of swing set.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A baby boy looks confused while sitting in a chair between twin baby girls in the same outfit indoors. He looks back and forth.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A group of people sing "Happy Birthday" to twin tot girls in the living room and the camera turns to show them both asleep in their highchairs.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A tot girl plays with her reflection in the mirror of a closet door in the bedroom. She slides the door open and then her twin sister is inside the closet.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: United States

Twin girls in matching polka dotted shirts stand behind a pillar indoors and one at a time pop their heads out to introduce "Tom Bergeron."

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A twin young boy and girl excitedly open birthday gifts in unison on a couch indoors. They see that they both got shirts then cry at the same time.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

Twin tot girls stand on two separate toys in the living room and one of them falls off and hits her sister and the the sister falls on top of her too.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A woman talks to her twin young girls to make sure that they have everything they need for school and one of the girls doesn't have pants on. Their mom asks if they have their pants and they both say "yes." Then the other girl points to her sister and says that she doesn't have pants and the girl gets embarrassed.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: United States

A tot boy and girl sit next to each other in highchairs in the kitchen. The boy runs out of food so he pulls his twin sister's highchair closer to him to take food off her plate.

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country: Canada

2 twin tot girls eat tomatoes directly off the vine.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man watches a baby monitor as his twin tot girls climb into each other's cribs indoors. He goes into their room and has them get into their own cribs and goes back to his room. He watches the baby monitor and he sees them do it again at 02:30.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

Two twin baby girls scream back and forth with each other from two separate rooms. Their mom screams along at the end, then the twins go silent.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

One twin baby girl cries while the other lies next to her and opens her eyes wide in horror.

Frame Aspect: 0.750 Submitter Country: US

A twin boy and a twin girl cry with their two heads stuck out a small hole on top of a wooden box. Very short clip. Short heads. Short tails.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: US

Twin tot girls say "cheese" simultaneously when they see dad filming.

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

Collie dog on living room floor, licks twin baby girls on their faces. Cute.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: USA

Pre-teen twin girls in matching outfits say "Tom Bergeron" with their arms open in hallway.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: United States

A tot girl in a car yells that she is a princess and her twin sister wags her finger and says she's not a princess.

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

Twin girls at church sing in choir. One girl yells out Momma I need to go pee-pee and walks off stage.

Frame Aspect: 0.750 Submitter Country: USA

Twin sisters try to do the cup song. One girl drops her cup and the two argue. The girl who dropped the cup hits her sister in the head.

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

"The Happy Hiccupper" Twin babies boy and girl sit on the couch. One has the hiccups, the other laughs repeatedly.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A tot girl points to her twin sister in the living room and says, "Dada" when her mother asks them who pooped.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: US

A baby girl leans over the hoods of a race car bed, flips over onto the floor, and her twin brother pops out of the hood.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: Canada

A twin boy and girl stand outdoors in front of a dog in a driveway and introduce Tom Bergeron before they dump buckets of ice water over themselves and the dog walks away.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: US

"The Three Toddler Tip Over" A girl and her twin baby brothers sit in the snow posing for a picture but the baby boys keep falling over backwards.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: United States

A tot girl carefully counts the cars she lined up along a fireplace at home before her twin brother slaps all the cars away one by one.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: CA

A teen girl holds two puppy dogs in her hands in the kitchen and whenever she brings them close together, they start to bark at each other. Twin dogs

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country: Canada

Baby girl in high chair dances and shakes her head back and forth to the music. Camera cuts to twin brother who's scowling at his sister, then cuts back to girl who's smiling and dancing. Sibling rivalry.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A man films twin baby siblings who eat pasta. The baby girl is all clean and eats her pasta with a fork but the baby boy has a mess everywhere and is eating the food straight from the bowl.

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

"Toddler Roulette" Woman spins 2 girls in a chair, then one girl gets up and walks around dizzy.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: United States

Twin tot girls sit in highchairs in the living room indoors and one of them cries because she wants the other one's food. The girl with the food holds out a piece for her sister, but when the girl reaches for it, she pulls it away and eats it herself. The girl who wanted the food gets mad and pushes her cup off the highchair.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: CA

A young boy and his twin sister sleep in a car and their heads bob in sync.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

"Chew For Two" Tot boy steals his twin sister's cookie at a dining room table. She cries and the camera woman yells at the boy. The boy takes the chewed cookie out of his mouth, the girl puts it in hers, and smiles. Boy off camera when he steals the cookie. Sibling rivalry. (2210)

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

Two baby girls laugh as cat chases laser pointer.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country:

Baby girl in high chair takes out pacifier while dad gives her spoonful of food then puts it back in after each bite

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man opens a refrigerator and a baby girl and baby boy walk up to it in their walkers.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

"Feet Kissin' Kids" - At 0:30, a tot boy drops his sippy cup on his twin sister's foot in the living room and she gets hurt, so he kisses it to make it better. Then he bites his own foot and makes his sister kiss it to make it better.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A woman talks to the camera, with her face covered in white powder. She then shows her two tot daughters covered in flour. Actions happens in first minute of video.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country:

Twin tots love leaf blower

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man opens the door to his twin tot daughters' bedroom and sees them play in their cribs and as soon as he walks in, they both drop into their cribs at the same pretending they are sleeping. He says "nap time."

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A woman scolds a young boy because he hugs his twin sister while she's in timeout in the corner. He tells her that she needs his love and continues to hug her.