"Training Day" Boy learning to ride bike gets frustrated and throws training wheels at Dad to install.
Little girl rides bike around in circles, bragging about not needing training wheels. Then she crashes into little brother, hitting his head. She falls over.
BIKE. Boy riding bike with training wheels gets stuck in mud; wheel spins, spews mud.
A tot boy rides a bike with no training wheels outdoors and crashes directly into a mailbox.
A young boy on a bicycle with training wheels runs into the fence while riding on a tennis court.
A young boy gets frustrated as he attempts to ride a bike without training wheels outdoors.
Little girl rides her bike with no training wheels for the first time. She crashes into a puddle.
Kid on bike with training wheels rides downhill and crashes into parked car.
4-6 year old boy rides bike without training wheels for first time, crashes into mailbox. No recovery.
Tot boy rides an electric motorbike with training wheels in the backyard. Boy stops & starts, then flips over and hits the fence. With recovery.
Tot boy in a helmet rides his bike without training wheels and crashes into a palm tree. Grandma just told him what a great job he was doing.
A woman runs next to her young son as he rides a bicycle without training wheels for the first time. He heads toward a basketball pole and they both fall down as she tries to stop him.
Young boy rides a dirtbike with training wheels. He almost runs over 2 dogs, man grabs bike boy falls off. Man falls over bike while it's still running.