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Young boy does yo-yo tricks onstage for school recital / talent show & his yo-yo breaks & flies off into the audience. Performance problems. yo yo yoyo

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

Teen boy jumps and falls down while playing guitar in band at talent show, keeps playing. (Foo Fighters song) performance.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

Two teen boys dance on stage at a talent show before one of them falls when a table breaks as they do a backflip off of it.

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"Look Ma No Hands" 2 college aged men at talent show drop their pants and pretend to play piano with their penises.

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Kindergarten Talent show. Young girl comes out dressed as a fairy with wings and nun chucks. She waves them around and then leaves the stage. Karate

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Karate Halloween. Karate man carves pumpkin face.

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performance problems: junior high girl gets her feet tangled in balloons during dance, "show must go on" ; prop problem