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Split screen horror spoof. Crab jumps on sleeping man's face and eats his head. (odd visual)

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Kids doing Batman spoof movie - one kid is supposed to fake punch other one but he actually punches the other kid playing the villain *short tail* *Good in slo-mo*

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Man acts like he is winding up his dog like a toy. He lets the dog go and it spins around in circles really fast, chasing its tail. Chihuahua

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AA: Egg Crack. 100th Tape Contest. Man breaks dozen eggs with weed whacker.

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Giant baby pokes head into dollhouse

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Boy sucks up plate of Jell-O. jello

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Man uses drill to eat tootsie pop lollipop (bsp)

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Hair 'Club' for Men. Commercial about hair being stolen & how to protect it with a club. (car club)

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AA: Egg Crack. Man cracks egg, white dove pops out. (magic trick)

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wacky man shows us trick w/his fish

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Car Pusher. Little kid pushes car out of driveway in set-up. FFAK (famous kids: Arnold Schwarzenegger)