Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

Soldier trains in a roll over simulator, he's dizzy and can't get out. He falls over face first. Military.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man is playing golf with a golf simulator indoors and falls over backwards, knocking over a light.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A teen girl tries to stand on a surfboard on a wave simulator. She loses balance and lands face first in the water.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man hits golf balls into an indoor golf simulator in a garage and the ball bounces back and hits him in the groin.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

"Labor Pain Pals" A man hooks another man up to a labor pain simulator and the man can't stand the pain and begs the man to stop and says that he will pee his pants. He then falls back in the chair and says that he thinks he pooped in his pants.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young boy runs across a balance beam with a video projection of buildings and a river underneath. A younger boy then stands still at the edge of the beam and slowly turns to walk off of it at an exhibit. Featured talent cleared only (the two young boys crossing the beam).