Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

Two tot boys stuff Easter eggs down their underwear as they search for them in their backyard outdoors.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man searches for a mouse behind a kitchen oven. A woman yells and the man freaks out, runs away and slides on the floor. Practical joke.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

On a table, A cat puts its head in a purse to search for food. He then climbs inside the purse and the purse falls off the table.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

Two dogs play with a ball outdoors. The yorkie dog takes the ball while the beagle dog isn't looking. The beagle searches for the ball.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl searches for her elf on the shelf. She finds it near the top of her Christmas tree and says, "Damn, he's good at this!"

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A teen girl cries in the car and asks for a search of anyone who can make bacon and spaghetti in pudding form while she's loopy on medication from a dental surgery.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man, woman and young boy search for something and someone wears a Big Foot costume and hides on the roof of a shed. He screams at the young boy and the young boy runs away.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy and girl search through the backyard to look for eggs in an Easter egg hunt, and the girl trips and falls and spills her eggs everywhere and the boy runs up and takes her eggs.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

"Senior Cell Phone Search" A family works together to figure out where a senior man's cell phone is. They call the phone repeatedly and at 2:22 they find the phone in the shoe the man is wearing.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man hides under a pile of toys with his head visible on the living room floor then a dog walks right by him as he looks around the house for him and takes awhile to find him under the pile.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A woman does the What The Fluff challenge with her dog and confuses him.

Frame Aspect: 0.563 Submitter Country: US

Two adults prank a young boy with a magic trick where they make him disappear. After a while of pretend searching and a fake photo of the invisible boy, the kid believes that he is actually gone. The boy cries and throws a tantrum when the man says he's gone forever and then the woman magically summons him back to the room.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A dog runs around the house and looks for her owner. She runs past the door each time her owner calls her name. Finally she finds him and runs in and jumps on the bed.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man looks for something in a house and screams when something falls on the floor.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: USA

Young boy holds a black pug dog in his lap & counts to 10 while man hides. Boy lets the pug go & dog tries to find man, running around the house barking. Hide and seek.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A dog looks around for a rubber ball when it lands on her back before it rolls off and she catches it in her mouth.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A tot girl plays hide and go seek with her dad and hides behind a lamp pole, but she can easily be seen, but her dad pretends not to see her.

Frame Aspect: 0.800 Submitter Country: US

A tot girl is visible while she hides behind a bird feeder pole as she plays hide and seek with her mother in the yard.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A woman can't find her glasses when they are on top of her head and her husband frustrates her when he asks her about it for the video. She puts another pair of glasses on and notices the ones already on her head and laughs.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy plays hot and cold with a man to find his last Easter Egg. It is in the lamp shade of a lamp next to him but he can't see it. He finally manages to find it.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: United States

A young girl tells her father she can't find her sunglasses. She searches in her bag. He tells her that they should go. She cries that she cant go without them. She wants to ask her mother if she has them. She cries that she can't go without them. He tells her she is ok. She asks to go back and look for them. He asks her what is on her head. She slowly feels around her head and finds the glasses. She puts them on and laughs.

Frame Aspect: 1.000 Submitter Country: US

A tot boy rides in a car and plays with a window. His dad tells him that he's lost his mind and the tot boy begins to look for it.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl tells her dad that she can't find her sunglasses in the yard, but she has them on her face. At the end, she realizes that they're on her face.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A tot girl goes to look for a quarter that is on her forehead, and then she runs through the living room and it falls off and she says, "oh, there it was!"

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: CA

A tot boy gets confused when he lets go of his balloon and it floats to the ceiling in the living room. He looks around to see where it went and then looks under a door mat.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A man gives his daughter hot and cold clues to find an Easter egg in the yard. Eventually, it falls out of the tree branch above her and hits her in the head.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A tot girl follows a trail of easter eggs and finds a cabinet full of toys and candy, but the girl walks away to find more easter eggs.