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Cat does flip/ somersault on chair on command. Pet trick

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

English Bulldog does a handstand against a wall. Pet trick.

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Man with pet rabbit does several tricks: plays dead, sits up, etc. *long for edit

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Cat meows inside cage on the way to the vet, sounds like cat is saying hello. Pets talking. Silly pet tricks.

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Frog rides a toy motorcycle. Funny image. Toad, stupid pet tricks.

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Woman plays patty cake with her dog. Silly pet trick.

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A.A. Silly Pet Tricks Cat drinks from water cooler, stands up and pulls the lever

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Cat opens door so he can go outside. He jumps and hangs onto handle. Silly Pet tricks

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: USA

Small pug dog scratches a woman's butt while she kneels down. Silly pet tricks. Itch.

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Woman throws a piece of paper. Cat jumps, does back flip, lands, and catches the ball. Pet trick.

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Small brown dog says "mama" for treats. Says it best at end. Dog talk, speak, silly pet tricks.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

Bulldog runs across house from the kitchen to close the front door whenever it is opened. Silly pet trick. Dog (2118)

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Dog scratches his back on the carpet with three young girls. They lie on their backs and kick their legs around. Silly pet trick.

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Man stands up highlighter pen on table, yellow parakeet bird keeps knocking it down. Silly pet tricks.

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German Shepherd dog climbs into clothes dryer & won't come out. Finally comes out after owner begs. Silly pet trick.

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Man tells dog to go inside and get a beer. Dog gets it, then runs back and closes the refrigerator / fridge door. Pet trick.

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Cow / bull plays with wood fence post. Lifts it off ground and balances it on horns. Silly pet trick. Farm.

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Bulldog waits patiently while treats are piled on top of his head. They fall off and dog eats them. Silly pet trick.

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Small white dog bangs spray hose against deck until the water turns on, gets himself a drink. Silly pet tricks, smart.

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Beagle dog walks on his hind legs all the way to boy. He even stops and looks at a car. Stupid pet trick. Funny image

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Boston terrier dog helps man do CPR on a doll. Dog pushes doll's chest & man gives it a fake breath. Silly pet trick.

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Small terrier dog does a funny pet trick and fetches a woman tissues when she sneezes, so she can blow her nose.

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Black dog wags tail for "yes" to question "are you hungry?" and keeps tail still to answer "no" when asked "wanna go outside?" Silly pet tricks.

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"Freedom Bound Hound" Dog climbs a tree & a fence to escape from his pen outside. Dog is a good climber. Silly pet tricks.

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SMART DOG USES CHAIR Beagle dog pushes chair over to kitchen counter to reach plate of food. Smart, silly pet tricks. Hidden camera.

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Black lab dog fetches items from a hardware store - duct tape, paint brush, brackets. Woman owns the store. Silly pet tricks.

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"Fleas Tease" Small dog attacks man when he says dog has fleas, then dog calms down when man says the dog doesn't have fleas. Silly pet tricks.

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Man asks dog "Where's your girlfriend?" and dog/ black lab puts its arm around yellow lab / other dog. Pet trick

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

"Dog Catcher" Man spits pieces of banana at different lengths to his dog. Dog always catches them in his mouth. Silly pet tricks.

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Small fluffy dog plays a toy piano. Annoying pet trick.

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Bulldog puppy growls what sort of sounds like "I love mama". Pets talking, silly pet tricks.

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Small dog opens cabinet door, leans it against partition wall & uses it to help him jump over. Silly pet tricks, hidden camera.

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Small angry demon dog makes very strange noises / barks. AA: Teach your pet to talk. Silly pet trick.

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Teen girl wearing rainbow striped socks has Jack Russell terrier dog jump over her legs. Dog eventually jumps through her legs. Silly pet tricks.

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Dog repeately knocks a basketball into toy hoop by a swimming pool. AA: Pet Trick.

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Man in kitchen keeps asking pug dog which hand the hot dog is in. Dog picks the empty hand every time even though the hot dog can be seen clearly in the other hand. AA silly pet tricks.

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German Shepherd dog pushes his food bowl around the driveway. Weird pet trick.

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Wiener dog chases remote control motorcycle around backyard. Barks at it. Dachshund, silly pet tricks.

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Small puppy dog climbs under closed door to escape room. Silly pet tricks.

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Man throws dog a football & dog catches it using his paws. Silly pet trick. Sports.

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White cat scratches at TV with paws when parrot footage is shown on television. Silly pet tricks. Living room.

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Small white dog walks funny outside with pink slippers / booties on his feet / paws. Silly pet tricks.

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Dog opens up a can of dog food by herself. He pulls the tab and starts eating the food. Pet trick

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Dog stands at the front door and rings the doorbell to come inside. Woman opens the door and lets him in. Silly pet trick.

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Boy calls cat's name from inside a boat. Cat jumps into the water & swims to the boat to be with boy. Silly pet tricks.

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Dog jumps on woman sitting in recliner, pushes chair in circles and spins her while she screams. Silly pet trick.

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Ferret squeezes through a very small opening between the bars of its cage. Escape. Long for edit. Silly pet tricks.

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Big brown dog lays on back & gets dried off after bath, looks very scary. He makes grunting noises & shows his teeth. A.A. Pet baths. Silly pet tricks.

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Black lab dog fetches young girl's sled after she slides down the snow hill. Silly pet trick. Winter.

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Woman puts her fingers into automatic fingernail dryer. Cat hops onto table & puts its paw into it. Silly pet trick.

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Cat climbs over the top of a screen door then climbs back down to get inside the house. Short clip. Silly pet trick.

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Terrier dog scratches at car window when it sees owner. Licks owners face when he gets into car. Silly pet tricks.

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Dog jumps on a piece of wood on the ground several times. Dog can't pick it up with its mouth. Funny image. Silly pet trick.

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A.A. Pet Tricks. Man flicks cereal off the table toward a dog. The dog catches every piece. From several different angles.

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Man is going to the bathroom on toilet. Small dog lays down in man's pants around his ankles. Odd. Funny visual. Silly pet tricks.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: usa

Black dog makes a noise when he's told to be sad. Dog also barks when he's told to tell a story. Silly pet tricks.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: USA

Big white dog lays on the kitchen floor and chatters his teeth when woman off-camera asks dog if it's cold. Silly pet tricks.

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Dog jumps into river and catches huge live catfish several times. Brings fish out in its mouth. Lake, Water, outdoors. Silly pet tricks.

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"Shaggy Dog Drinker" Dog turns on the bathroom faucet & drinks water. Woman turns faucet off & dog turns it back on. Silly pet trick.

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Toucan bird hops over to cameraman & starts attacking his feet, biting him with its beak. Backyard, pool, summer. Silly pet tricks.