Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

"Refrigerator Retches" Men have to clean out old smelly refrigerator. The smell makes them run away and gag/ puke. The men wear rubber gloves and surgical masks. moldy/ rotten. Long clip

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: US

Three snowmen stand on a snow covered road. 3 men sled down the road on old rail sleds, crash into and destroy all snowmen at the same time. Assignment America.

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

Man slides down icy driveway on his feet to get to newspaper. He keeps trying to walk to it but keeps slipping. He gets it after a few minutes.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country:

Man shoots snowman made of pumpkin, squash and cucumber with an old-timey cannon

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

Dog: Puppy circles around and around man's neck.