Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man offers a dog in a living room a chip and it doesn't want it. He offers the dog the same chip with dip on it and the dog eats it.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A woman offers whipped cream to her cat, and the cat gags.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country:

"The Cupcake Kid" Tot boy has two cupcakes, one with bites taken out of it and the other without. Tot offers his dad the cup cake with the bites missing. Dad says he'd rather have the one with no bites. Tot takes bite out of that cupcake and offers it to dad.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A dog runs away when a girl holds up clothing and offers to dress it in the laundry room.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

Two dogs wrestle around but then stop and look at the camera when their owner offers them a treat indoors.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: CA

A pug dog pretends to be asleep until his owner offers him a walk and he "wakes up".

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A woman offers her golden retriever dog a treat and the dog tries to take it with a ball in her mouth, but she can't take it.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: CA

A tot girl in a high chair gapes and then begins laughing when her mother offers her Cheerios.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: Canada

Tot picks her own toe jam, offers it to her parents. They decline so she eats it.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: usa

A dog eats treats at a dining table with human hands, flipping pages of a book and offering treats to other dogs.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A tot boy has dumped a bag of chips onto the floor and he offers the bag to the woman with the camera and eats the chips in the dining-room.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: United States

A man offers his dog a bone, and once the dog takes it he offers him another one. The dog drops the first bone to take the new one, and they do this repeatedly until the man holds both bones in front of the dog and he can't choose which one he wants.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A dog hides her head between the pillows and cushions on the couch when a woman offers her a banana and holds it out in front of her.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A woman tries to help her tot girl eat her food but the girl whines. The dad offers and the girl lets him and then smiles at the mom.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A baby girl cries. Her mom holds out a $5 bill and offers it to her. She stops crying and crawls to the cash and grabs it.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A dog holds a toy in his mouth in a living room, and a young boy offers him an identical toy. The dog drops his toy and takes the other one.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A Boston Terrier dog on a bed holds money in its mouth while growling and vibrating its body. The dog won't let it go until a woman offers it cheese.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: CA

A man offers a drink to his baby girl and she looks excited, but then he sneaks a bite of baby food into her mouth and she looks at him with disappointment.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A woman tells a tot girl "no" when she offers food from her plate to a Pomeranian dog. The tot girl makes eye contact with the woman and spits out her own food for the dog.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country:

Woman sits on the living room floor trying to teach a dog to "lay down" and "roll over," offering him a treat. Another dog keeps laying down and rolling over so HE can get the treat.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young boy cries and says it is "because mommy cut Spongebob's house" after a woman cuts open a pineapple in the kitchen then she offers him some pineapple and he says he doesn't want to eat Spongebob's house.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A woman in a kitchen holds a dog treat and says sit. A puppy dog tries to get the treat and a large dog puts its paw on the puppy dog's back and gets it to sit for the treat.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young boy opens a box with a stack of fifty one-dollar bills and screams and smiles. Another young boy opens a box with a single fifty-dollar bill and he cries. His brother offers to trade. Christmas

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man and woman call for a Maltese dog to leave his open playpen in a yard but the dog is confused and doesn't understand he can walk through a large opening behind him.