Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A large Newfoundland dog holds a toy in its mouth and hesitates a few times before walking up a flight of stairs.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A tot boy hesitates as he walks down a flight of porch steps to collect an easter egg. Then, a senior woman falls through the porch and lands on her side.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man tries to zip line on a child's zip line toy in a back yard after hesitating. He falls immediately and the woman behind the camera laughs hard. Action starts at 1:30.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country:

Boy stands on diving board at pool & hesitates. When he jumps, a ball flies in from off-camera & hits him in the head mid-air.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country:

Teen boy holds his hand above fish tank but hesitates several times. Fish jumps up & bites his finger, boy screams like a girl & runs out of frame.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: CA

A tot girl stands by a kiddie pool into a back yard and hesitates to climb in. Suddenly, her young brother runs into her from off camera and pushes her into the pool as he crashes in it too. No tails.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: usa

Girl is hesitant to pull out her loose tooth with a string. Her sister pulls it out when she's not expecting it. Mom says they're going to get $1000 and holds up and tooth.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

An ostrich bird knocks a woman's phone out of her hands when she films it at a drive-thru safari-park. Her young girl screams and looks down at the phone as it continues to record on the ground outside of the car. The woman hesitates he grab the phone and the ostrich looks into the camera and pecks at it.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: Canada

Pitbull wants a treat but someone put 4 live lobsters around the dog. Dog doesn't want to pass the lobsters to get its food but finally does. NO AUDIO. Submitter forgot to turn camera audio on.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A tot girl slowly walks on a bridge and then turns around and says "nope, I'm not going."

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A group of men run and jump off of a balcony and into a lake. One man trips on the railing and another pauses before he jumps in.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young boy runs across a balance beam with a video projection of buildings and a river underneath. A younger boy then stands still at the edge of the beam and slowly turns to walk off of it at an exhibit. Featured talent cleared only (the two young boys crossing the beam).

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A dog walks backwards with a toy across the house entryway while the man behind the camera makes a "beep" noise.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

An adult woman attempts to jump off an outdoor diving board into a pool but at the last moment she hesitates and falls off the side. She hits the cement and then falls in.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A hesitant woman rides a rope swing down a hill and over a lake. When she does not jump into the lake, she swings back towards the hill, then slips on mud and then falls into the water.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

"Pooch Pounces Prey" A dachshund dog rolls a ball that stops in front of the camera. He then slowly approaches the ball one step at a time before he gets close enough to pounce on it and take it away.