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Tot girl answers questions about government, who the president is, NSA, Secretary of Defense. Smart little girl

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Alligator turtle surrounded by pigs, bites one pig's snout

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Young boy playing baseball is on a base. The ball is hit and he runs . The ball rolls past him and he runs after it instead of running to the next base.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A little boy runs in a park to catch a football. A large white dog lifts him up and tackles him before stealing the ball. The man behind the camera laughs hard.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

During a little league baseball game, the young third baseman boy stands in front of the third base and keeps standing in front of the base runner so he won't be able reach the base. Finally, the boy lets him on the base. Short heads. Short tails. Caucasian.

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Cat at basketball hoop backboard helps kid make baskets - 7 in a row at one point