Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

Teen boy slides down a banister in a gymnasium. He tries to do a front flip off the banister onto the gym floor and lands right on his head. He gets up, OK. Short heads & tails.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country:

Teen boy slides down stair banister on his legs. Falls and hits his butt as friends laugh

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: Canada

Cat jumps up, slides down stairs banister by hanging off with his paws & he lands in a laundry basket.

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

REDUB WITH MORE FOOTAGE: Cat jumps up, slides down stairs banister by hanging off with his paws & he lands in a laundry basket.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A teen girl slides backwards on her stomach down a banister and stops when she crashes into the end of it.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A teen boy breaks the spokes on a staircase banister as he slides down it.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A young woman tries to slide down a banister and her friend pulls her shirt off as she goes down.

Frame Aspect: 1.000 Submitter Country: US

A tot girl slides down a staircase banister handrail but her young boy brother slides down and his bottom hits her face and their family laughs.

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

Chihuahua tries to attack girl that is sitting on banister of stairs. Railing. He tries to bite her foot. Dog won't let girl get off the railing

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: CA

A woman records a video of herself while she plays a song on guitar and a tot girl reaches for a glass of wine on top of the banister and knocks it down the stairs and the glass breaks.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: United States

A teen boy tries to grind his skateboard on a rail, lands on his groin, and runs away holding his butt. "Skateboarder's Rail Wreck"

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

Drunk woman falls on porch stairs while acting goofy and pulls railing off with her. Shot at night.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: USA

Boy yells "fire in the hole" at top of the stairs & slides a stack of cups down the step railing. Cups hit a light switch at the bottom of the steps & fall off like dominoes. Boy does this 3 times.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A boy holds onto the poles of the railing on the loft above the living room and then falls backwards to the floor when the poles break.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A chicken slides down a railing outside of a house.