Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

"I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT" Aunt goes nuts when she finds out niece is pregnant.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A tot girl asks if George Washington is her Aunt Marcia as she looks at a one dollar bill.

Frame Aspect: 0.562 Submitter Country: US

A tot boy babbles excitedly while he shakes a chocolate bunny and his aunt tells him she can't open it.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl runs and crashes into her aunt's butt repeatedly indoors until one of them causes her to fall on the floor and cry.

Frame Aspect: 4:3 Submitter Country: US

A woman records a video greeting of a young boy while he congratulates his aunt and uncle for their pregnancy and a tot girl sits in front of the camera and makes a funny face.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A teen girl, a woman, and a man open up Christmas presents that reveal that they're going to be grandparents and an aunt. The future grandpa man cries hard because he's so happy.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young girl screams and says, "Now we won't be bored when we go there anymore" when her uncle tells her over the phone that her aunt is pregnant.

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

Dachshund dog "loves" its mama, licks her face. When the dog is held out to "Aunt Pam" it gets angry, barks & bares teeth, looks ready to attack, switches back to licking as soon as it's back to mama.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A tot boy learns that his fish has died and he cries before his aunt explains that they have to flush him down the toilet and the boy gets excited. He says "Let's do it."

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A tot boy at a kitchen counter tries to convince her aunt that his mom allows him to drink soda. She says she will call his mom. He says "I hope I'm not lying."

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A tot baby girl pretends to drive a parked car in a drivers seat. Her Aunt goes to adjust her seat, the back pops up, and squishes the baby's head against the steering wheel. Her head honks the horn.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

Baby girl on teen aunt's shoulders spits up on her head just as she says, "don't puke on her." Gross, puke, throw up. DOUBLE SUBMISSION - SAME CLIP AS 652744 ON 5B-11 AT 11:15:00.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A little boy sits in a car seat in the back of a car and his aunt asks him what he wants to name his new baby sister and he says "chicken nugget cheeto french fry." Then she asks what he would name the baby if it was a boy and he says "ka-ka."

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy hits the camera with a water bottle in the living room when it bounces off of an exercise ball as he drops it.

Frame Aspect: 3:2 Submitter Country:

Woman belches ABC's. Little girl laughs.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

Two tot girls shake and shiver in a backyard pool while they tell a woman the water isn't cold they're just excited.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: United States

A woman and her sister ask a tot boy which one is mommy then he kisses the wrong woman.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A woman gets whipped cream on her eye when she hits it off the back of her hand and into the air in the kitchen.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A young boy plays ping pong with a woman in the living room. He misses the ball each time it comes to him, but his dad stands behind him and hits the balls back across the table. The boy doesn't realize this and thinks he scored all those points.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A woman loses her balance and falls while she steps over a toy race track.

Frame Aspect: 16:9 Submitter Country: US

A woman tells her tot nephew that she's climbing into a cardboard box with him and he whines "Your butt's too big!"