Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young girl and young boy do the Not Your Hands / Borrowed Hands Challenge and try to climb on a bed and the girl falls off onto the floor.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A teen girl walks into the room and shouts, "NYPD, put your hands up!" The camera pans over to a tiny dog, which sticks its paws up in the air.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man says to a baby: "raise your hand if you want your diaper changed", and the baby raises its hand, in the living room.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A tot boy says that he did not poop in his pants, but raises his hand when his mom and dad say "raise your hand if you have poop in your pants".

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A baby girl raises her hand when her father says, "raise your hand if you made a poop."

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

Tot girls in ballerina outfits attempt the cookie eating challenge. Make faces until a cookie goes from your forehead to your mouth without using your hands.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

Boy plays cookie game while sitting in chair in bedroom. Move a cookie from your forehead to your mouth without using your hands by making silly faces.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A tot boy walks out of the pantry with a lollipop in his hand, his mom asks whats in your hand. The tot shows her his empty hand and then when she asks him about the hand with candy he switches the candy between hands and makes like that hand is also empty.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country:

Woman says "Raise your hand if you're happy it's Daniel's birthday" & a bumble bee on a leaf raises its leg. Odd.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country:

2 young girls have worms in their hands & girl on the left tears her worm in half and says she has 2 worms. Other girl says "your worm is broken."

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young girl slides her hands down a Bernese Mountain dog's face in the living room and it snarls when she says "smile." She then says "do your Elvis" and the dog raises one side of its lip.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A woman sits on a dirt bike in a field and another woman explains how to ride it. She sets off and loses control and flies off the bike. a man says "throw your hands in the air like you did something cool!"

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young girl slaps her grandpa's hand on the porch after she gets mad at him for something. She tells him that she won't put a band aid on it and he asks why she's being like this and she responds with "I'm not your mama."

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A tot boy in a living room holds a stack of foam letters in his hands. His mom asks "are you ready to mail your letter to Santa?" and he nods his head. She explains to the camera that he thought he meant his alphabet mat letters, not his envelope.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

Girl and two woman play cookie game on couch, woman in middle wins. The cookie has to go from their head to their mouth without using their hands. Funny faces.