Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A boy flings his backpack over his head and falls over.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young boy swings on a swing and then jumps off but his backpack gets caught on the seat and pulls him down to the ground

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young boy tries to run away from a fake snake that is tied to his backpack.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: United States

While dancing a boy accidentally throws a backpack onto his head.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A teen girl tries to hang from her backpack on a hook on the wall and falls down.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man places a fake rat in the side of the kitchen and has it roll out into the middle of the room to scare a young girl when she enters the room. The girl gets scared when she sees it and she throws her backpack on it.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young girl steps onto an icy driveway and begins to slide down it with her rolling backpack. Security footage.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: USA

A young boy pops out of a closet and scares his younger brother. The younger brother hits him with his backpack.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A cute snow tiger licks the glass while reaching for a pink backpack on the other side at a zoo. A man and his tot girl taunt it. No audio.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man bounces a small plastic basketball off of the floor of a department store and in to his young daughter's backpack as he pushes a shopping cart.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A woman walks out of the house then her backpack catches on the door and she falls in the front yard. Security footage.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A teen boy gets his backpack caught on the front door handle then he falls and unhooks himself. Security footage.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country:

"Demolition Dog" Dog destroyed trash can and many other things. Backpacks, batteries, clothes, hats and a chair. Mess.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young boy in a garage closes the garage door and tries to run out before it closes and as he ducks under his backpack hits the door and he falls down. Security camera.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A girl puts a tent pack on her back and tries to walk up a flight of stairs before she's weighed down by the backpack and rolls down the stairs.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

Teen boy rides a skateboard down a road wearing a backpack on his front and back. Another teen boy trips him with a rope and he falls.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

The teenage boy behind camera tricks his younger brother into thinking he's late for school and hides his backpack before he learns from his dad on the phone that school is canceled for a snow day.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A mom and dad prank their two young girls and tell them that a limo will take them to school because they have good grades. They stand in a front yard and wait and look excited but their mom tells them it is April Fools Day. The girls look disappointed and one girl throws her backpack on the ground.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man walks across a tree over a ditch outside. Then he falls off and hurts his groin.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man plays ping pong while he wears a baby in a front-facing baby carrier. The baby laughs.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young girl walks into her bedroom indoors and finds a backpack on her bed. She opens it, finds a puppy dog, and whines to her parents "Why did you buy me a real dog? It's not my birthday!" She picks it up and says "I didn't really mean that I wanted a real dog." "I'm not happy about this. Why did you have to buy me a dog?

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A woman talks to her twin young girls to make sure that they have everything they need for school and one of the girls doesn't have pants on. Their mom asks if they have their pants and they both say "yes." Then the other girl points to her sister and says that she doesn't have pants and the girl gets embarrassed.

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A man on a deck carries bags and falls on ice. A woman comes out to help him up. The man spreads some ice-melt. Security Footage

Frame Aspect: Submitter Country: US

A young girl walks into her bedroom indoors and finds a backpack on her bed. She opens it, finds a puppy dog, and whines to her parents "Why did you buy me a real dog? It's not my birthday!" She picks it up and says "I didn't really mean that I wanted a real dog." "I'm not happy about this. Why did you have to buy me a dog?